San Diego Video Production Services

Monthly archive for November 2014

San Diego Camera Crews On Location Makes Wishes Come True

San Diego camera crews on locationA woman’s wish for help for a struggling San Diego military family came true right before our eyes as part of our San Diego camera crews shooting for NBC’s “The Meredith Vieira Show.” It all unfolded during a two-day San Diego video shoot that began on the Mission Beach Boardwalk. That’s where our seven-person production team built Meredith’s pop-up wish booth, installed two cameras inside, and stationed our San Diego video crew outside to interview people who stopped by to make wishes. One woman, a local social worker, asked for assistance for a Marine family having trouble coping financially as a result of the dad’s PTSD diagnosis and forced retirement. The family fell $20.000 in debt as a result of traveling to visit the dad during his hospital recovery at a hospital 150 miles from their home. The morning after the beach shoot, our San Diego video production team swooped into action to shoot a background piece on the unsuspecting family — interviewing the mom, dad and three kids at their home for what they thought was a story about struggling military families in general. A few days later, the still-unsuspecting family was flown to New York to appear live with Vieira on the show, where our background piece was played and they were introduced. Afterward, Vieira surprised them with a check for $20.000 from Ball Park Franks, along with $10.000 in merchandise from Needless to say, sometimes wishes do come true!

Solana Productions has more than 15 years of experience producing, shooting and editing projects for high-profile TV shows and corporate clients. With 14 EMMY Awards, a Gracie Award and many other accolades, our team brings high standards and professional expertise to every San Diego camera crews shoot.

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