Solana Productions provides video production services in Los Angeles. For over 20 years our talented Los Angeles Video Production pros have covered everything from interviews and broll to live events, meetings, webcasts and concerts. We have received Emmys awards for producing, writing, photography and editing.
We regularly cover live events in Los Angeles like the Oscars, Golden Globes, Emmys, etc…We also provide crews to cover stories throughout LA and Orange County. Our corporate event coverage includes webcasts, live events and camera crews for location shooting.
We have very low overhead and tailor crew and camera packages exactly to the client’s demands. This lower production cost is passed along to clients.
Broadcast / Cable / Web News & Entertainment Shows
Story production for these shows is generally done with a crew of from one to three people. The simplest projects can be done with a camera operator who also records interviews with a wireless, or hardwired mic attached to the camera.
More common is a crew of two with an Audio Tech and field mixer feeding the camera. Even though the day rate for this addition is higher, clients can often realize savings as the production work is done much more quickly with two people.
Higher profile shows demanding a look on video that sets them apart will often budget for the addition of a lighting crew. This would include a Gaffer (lighting director), Grip (helper) and a Grip Truck. Costs for this depending on the size and intricacy of the lighting required. Most two camera interviews will use the smallest, a van or 3 – 5 ton grip truck, while more involved productions could require the use of 10 ton trucks.
Corporate / Event
Need an interview / b-roll shot? Webcast? Meeting coverage? We can help. Our crews dress appropriately, show up ahead of time and redefine customer service. We can provide video, audio, projection and staging with one phone call.
For an amount that’s sure to surprise you we can provide booth coverage and a finished, narrated video. Don’t rely on amateurs when our professional can capture events on video that you’ll have uses for in the future.
Video Editing
Solana Productions has extensive editing experience, winning Emmys for magazine shows and sports stories. Our Los Angeles Video Production team can also provide editing on location giving you a head start on those deadlines. We use both Final Cut Pro and Avid systems depending on the client’s preference.
A free loaner hard drive is also available if you edit on your own.
Los Angeles Video Production Permits
The city of Los Angeles uses a private, non-profit company, FilmLA, to handle the permitting process. They also handle Los Angeles County. For most shows and corporate productions with small crews, under five people, you can probably fly under the radar.
However if your production will have a larger footprint, or you’ll be on any of the beaches you should definitely consider a permit. The last time our Los Angeles Video Production team was shooting on an LA beach our permit was checked 3 times in four hours. This is one reason we encourage clients to shoot beach scenes in San Diego.
Here is the link for the city and county of Los Angeles:
Main: | 213.977.8600 |
Fax (Main): | 213.977.8610 |
Fax (Permits): | 213.977.8601 |
Email: | |