San Diego Video Production Services

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Convention Video Production Crew Covers AdvaMed

AdvaMed 2015 Convention Video Production Crew AdvaMed, the Advanced Medical Technology Association, chose to partner with Solana Productions’ convention video production crew for coverage of its 2015 MedTech Conference, Oct. 5-7. This San Diego video production involved two San Diego camera crews plus a Ronin gimbal-mounted camera, which provided floating movement and unique angles of conference footage.  AdvaMed is the leading medical technology conference in North America, bringing more than 1,000 companies together in a uniquely multifaceted environment for business development, capital formation, innovative technology showcasing, world-class educational opportunities and networking. The diverse attendee list included hundreds of influential international policy makers, business executives and media. Our San Diego producer and San Diego video crews worked closely with AdvaMed to capture testimonial interviews with attendees, record keynote addresses and shoot footage of exhibits and displays. As we do with all our San Diego corporate video productions, Solana also provided expert on-site production management at the San Diego Convention Center. #sandiegovideoproduction #sandiegocameracrews #sandiegocorporatevideo #sandiegoproducer

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